Astrocytomas are categorized by their grade of malignancy. Most classification schemes include low-grade astrocytoma (Grade I/II), anaplastic astrocytoma (Grade III) and glioblastoma multiforme (Grade IV).
Standard Treatment In children, low-grade astrocytomas can sometimes be cured with complete surgical removal. Radiation is reserved for recurrent tumors. In adults, these tumors infiltrate the brain and cannot be completely removed, so radiation therapy is recommended.
Treatment for the anaplastic astrocytoma often includes surgery, radiation and chemotherapy .
The glioblastoma multiforme is a very aggressive tumor that grows quickly and invades the surrounding brain. Complete surgical removal is uncommon. Surgery and radiation are rarely curative.
Five-Year Survival 50 percent for low-grade astrocytomas. For the anaplastic astrocytoma, the two-year life expectancy is 50 percent. For the glioblastoma multiforme, the average life expectancy is one year.
People with this tumor often have a history of seizures.